Result. Math. 52 (2008) 369-384
Angela Schwenk

Pedal curves

Part I: homogeneous differential equation

In the following are some illustrations referring to the article.

1 Introduction

Second Equivalence Theorem / 3. Examples

derived curves of a log. spiral If the curve is a logaritmic spiral and p0 is the center of the spiral, then each derived curve of c like the Evolute E(c), the pedal curve FP0(c), the co-pedal curve Gp0(c) and the caustic Kp0(c) all with respect to p0, is also a logarithmic spiral with the same progression as c and center p0.
Vice versa, the property that each of the derived curves can be obtained from c by a rotation togehter with a homothety wrt. p0 characterises logarithmic spirals.

2. Preliminaries

2.1. Spherical parametrization

Illustrations of the spherical parametrization

2.3. The pedal and co-pedal curve

For a given regular curve c and a given point p0 we consider the foot Fp0(c) of the perpendicular from p0 to the tangent of c and the foot Gp0(c) to the normal of c. The curve traced out by Fp0(c) is called pedal curve of c with respect to p0; we call the curve traced out by Gp0(c) co-pedal curve of c.
Pedal and co-pedal. Klick to get an animation.
Logarithmic spiral (red), the point p0 defining the pedal F and the co-pedal G is the center of the spiral.

It is a characteristic property of a logarithmic spiral, that all rectangles, built by both foot points, the curve point and by the center p0 of the spiral, moving along the curve are proportional.

The rectangles moving along the curve have changing shapes, choosing another point p0 or a another curve c.
Pedal and co-pedal. Klick to get an animation.
Logarithmic spiral (red), the point p0 defining the pedal F and the co-pedal G is not(!) the center of the spiral.
Pedal and co-pedal. Klick to get an animation.
Ellipse (red), here the point p0 defining the pedal F and the co-pedal G is the center of the ellipse.

2.5. The caustic

We consider a point p0 as a center of light and a regular curve c with p0 not beeing in the trace(c) as a shape of a mirror. The envelope of the reflected rays is called the caustic Kp0(c) of c with respect to p0.
light reflection by a logarithmic spiral
The center of light is the center of a logarithmic spiral. The caustic K is also a logarithmic spiral.
light reflection by an ellipse
Special situation: The center of light is one focus of an ellipse (red), the caustic K is degenerated to the second focus. The pedal F wrt a focus is a circle.

light reflection by an ellipse
Reflection by an ellipse, the center of light is outside the ellipse.
p0 outside of an ellipse
An ellipse and its caustic K, its pedal F and its co-pedal G all wrt p0 outside the ellipse.

Last update by Angela Schwenk: 01.04.2009